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  • A process that focuses on strengths, needs and culture.

  • A process that supports the individual through an integrated plan.

  • The plan is designed by the individual and their team to help them achieve their vision.

  • Wraparound is designed to teach families the skills and confidence to be independent.

chart showing phase and activities, theory of change and principles all pointing to wraparound
Wraparound Videos and Manuals

Wraparound Videos and Manuals

The Wraparound training videos and manuals are intended to help coaches teach the methods and principles of Wraparound to facilitators. These videos can also be used to better understand each step of the process for anyone interested in learning more about Wraparound. The manuals can be found by clicking on the link directly under each video.

What is Wraparound:
Initial Family Engagement:
Strengths, Needs and Culture Discovery:
Team Meeting Preparations:
Initial Child and Family Team Meeting:
Follow-Up Meeting:
Crisis Planning:
Transition Planning:
Wraparound PSA:
Useful Links