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System of Care
For Families

Family Driven Care

Family Driven Care is one of the main foundations of a successful system of care. “Family” may include caregivers, siblings, extended family members, and other individuals who are supporting a youth/young adult in addressing behavioral health needs.

This approach uses the expertise of families to help identify the most effective and efficient ways to provide services and supports to families and the child(ren) they care for. Family involvement takes place in three critical ways: policy development and systems planning, quality improvement and workforce training; and service delivery. At the service delivery level families with lived experience are used to provide support services and mentor other families.

Families are empowered to be the primary decision makers for the services and supports that best meet their unique needs. Effective collaboration, respect, and partnership between families and professionals helps to ensure that the services chosen are responsive to the cultural and ethnic needs of the family and are delivered in a way they are comfortable with.

Florida has made great strides in the realm of Family Driven Care and is excited to continue this important work towards creating an effective, sustainable System of Care for Florida’s children.

If you are a family member who is interested in being part of the statewide work group on Family Drive Care please contact or 850-487-2920.

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